Clinical Integration

Mount Sinai’s clinically integrated network—a blueprint for success in today’s value-based care model.

Shifting to Value-Based Care

Clinical integration is a fundamental component of a transforming health care system. As health care in our country shifts from volume-based to value-based payments, success will come to those who offer superior service, access and quality. Health systems across the nation are implementing clinically integrated networks to respond to changing rules and incentives, many of which hold providers more accountable for quality care and outcomes. New payment models have become increasingly popular, or in some cases mandated by States and the Federal government, with the ultimate goal of promoting care coordination to improve quality outcomes while managing costs – creating value for patients, physicians, payers and the health system.

Physicians Leading Physicians

Mount Sinai Health Partners’ physician-led clinically integrated network is a collaboration amongst physicians, including independent/private practice physicians and physicians employed by Mount Sinai Health System. At Mount Sinai Health Partners, we believe physicians have the knowledge, skill and experience needed to achieve improvement in quality and efficiency, and place physicians at the center of shaping and driving that change. Mount Sinai Health Partners’ Board of Managers is charged with defining performance objectives and quality standards, establishing requirements for participation in the clinically integrated network, and monitoring and improving the utilization, cost and quality of services that our physicians deliver to their patients.